Film Diary of Hawaiʻi

Lei Film by Bubble_T and Papi Juice

Images by Mohammed Fayaz, Koji Yamamoto, and Oscar Nuñez

When the guys of Bubble_T and Papi Juice came to Hawaiʻi, we gave each of them a disposable camera from Treehouse Honolulu loaded up with film to document their adventures while here. Mohammed Fayaz, one of the organizers and the social media maven behind Papi Juice’s Instagram, was especially thrilled about shooting with the disposables instead of the usual iPhone.

“One chance at getting the shot somehow captures the moment so much realer than twenty tries on an iPhone,” said Mohammed. “These pictures take me back to the secret
joys of this trip, like cheeky antics at the Surfjack Hotel and the car ride playlists.”

The photos below are a collective of Mohammed’s, Oscar Nuñez of Papi Juice, and Koji Yamamoto of Bubble_T.

Lei Film by Bubble_T and Papi Juice

Lei Film by Bubble_T and Papi Juice

Lei Film by Bubble_T and Papi Juice

Lei Film by Bubble_T and Papi Juice

Lei Film by Bubble_T and Papi Juice

Lei Film by Bubble_T and Papi Juice
